Posts from July 2019


Day 297: John 5:19-30 I believe that one of the biggest flaws in human nature is the desire to judge one another.  The reason is because as humans, we like to ‘justify’ our actions.  It’s difficult to admit that we are wrong.  It’s hard to see ourselves as unjustified for the way that we often behave towards others.  Or, it could be…

A Glimmer of Hope!

The Bible in a Year: Day 296: Psalm 8:1-9 It feels like I have been seeing so much suffering lately.  The homeless walk our streets looking for food, a place to sleep, and even just the desire to be able to get a shower and put some clean clothes on.  I’ve watched our very own lay on their deathbeds, praying for the…

You Gave Me a Forever!

Bible in a Year: Day 295: Job 14:1-12 Did you know that if you were to live to the age of 75 years old, it calculates that you only have 27,375 days on this earth?  Believe me!  I did the math twice because it just doesn’t seem like much time to be here!  And, of course that is only if we are…