The Heart of Our Faith

“The Purpose Driven Life: What on earth am I here for,” is a book written by Pastor Rick Warren from the Saddleback Church located in California. The Purpose Driven Life was first published in 2002 – and just since 2007, over 30 million copies have been sold. Think about that…30 MILLION Copies!

Chosen and Elected

Recently, my husband and I celebrated our 34th Wedding Anniversary. We didn’t plan anything big this year, but for me, it was one of the best ever! We worshipped together and then spent the afternoon in downtown Savannah where we had an amazing lunch on the river. It was just such a beautiful day. As always, I struggle with what to eat because I know I need to be healthy. However, I felt like a had a ‘really’ good excuse to eat whatever I wanted – After all, it was our Anniversary! And, so I did. While everything was delicious, I overate and felt so miserable the rest of day. I think our lives are like this. Often, we look for excuses to not have to do the right thing or look for reasons to explain ourselves for not doing what we should do. In the end, our excuses make us feel miserable.

Maintaining Constant Love

It’s all over the news, more and more these days, about how poorly we have taken care of our planet. We now suffer from global warming, pollution of our air and water, and climate change. All-in-all, we have not been good stewards of the earth that God created for us to live. Our selfishness to have ‘stuff,” the enjoyment of convenience, and the ability to go anywhere we want in the world – via cars and airplanes – have all played a role in our destruction of our environment. And, I am only touching the surface. We have not been good stewards of our planet. But, what does mean to be a steward? Well, a steward is someone in charge of taking care of things for someone else. It could be their home, finances, or land. A ‘Good’ Steward then is someone who does that job well. So, I pose the question: “What does it mean to be a good steward of God’s love?”