Wilderness Cries!

In 2011, the civil wars in Syria resulted in the displacement of more than 11 million people within and beyond the country’s borders. This means that these people have no money, no jobs, no food, and no shelter.

In my county alone, we have approximately 108 children who go to school each day only then to leave the school and go sleep in a car or a tent at night. Families who are on the street for whatever reason – loss of job, divorce, domestic abuse, and reasons beyond my comprehension live on the streets.

Does God hear their cries?  Does God hear our cries?

In Exodus 16:2-26, Moses, Aaron, and the congregation of the Israelites have been freed as slaves from Egypt.  They are now in the wilderness and no means of fulfilling their needs of hunger. They begin to complain to Moses saying that perhaps they should have stayed slaves – At least, they were fed and had plenty to eat!

God hears their complaining and understands their needs.  So, God provides by raining ‘manna,’ – a bread like substance, on the earth in the mornings and sending quail in the evenings.  On the sixth day, God sends double what they need so that they can rest on the seventh day – the Sabbath.

God heard the cries of the Israelites to be freed from the Egyptians. God heard their cries when they get into the wilderness and they are hungry.  God provides for them!  He frees them and gets them out of Egypt and God rains manna and provides quail – enough for all to be fed!

But, does hear the cries of those who are crying for their basic needs to be met today?  I believe that God does!  God uses you and I as a means in which, to reach those who are crying out to God for food and shelter!

However, like the Israelites, we don’t listen.  And, even if we are listening, we don’t obey!  Those who have their hearts open to the Lord will hear how they are to respond to help others who are in need.  We are the hands and feet of Jesus!

Ask God today how you can help someone who is hungry?  You may be amazed when you are presented with someone who comes in your path who needs your help.

Let us pray…Gracious God, open our hearts to hear the cries of your people who need food and shelter.  Give us the means and the ability to reach out to those who need our help.  We pray this in your name, Amen.


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